I feel so connected to this piece because the same way Rodriquez struggled to learn English and fit in to society was pretty much the same way I struggled after immigrating to this country. This issue is very common in today’s society and it’s a part of life that many people have never experienced. When Rodriguez says “But I couldn’t believe that the English language was mine to use” Brings me back memories. I thought English was a
language that I will never be able to speak because I only used to practice the language at school and since at my house no one used to speak English I didn’t feel motivated to practice the language while I was not in school. which, it was pretty much the same thing that Rodriguez went through. While reading this piece it made think about how many people struggle with the same issue every single day of their lives. There’s a big difference between the classroom language and the language of home, and this made me think that parents should find some ways to practice the language with their kids and embrace the two cultures without taking way the first anguage.
From my own experience, I have to say that it is not easy at all to learn another language when you’re used to a different culture. It makes you change in so many ways, you become shy and afraid to talk or participate in class because you feel that no one will understand you. For me, this experience has been very constructive and I’m really proud of what I have accomplish since I immigrated here. But even though it was hard for me I learned that things do not always come easy and that everyone faces adversity. I am still learning English, and finding my way but I know that if you work hard enough you can achieve great things.
This link provides a lot of information about English as a
second language. http://www.esl-storybooks.com/
I’m so anxious to learn more about this issue. I hope we get the chance to discuss it more in class. I’m also very interested to learn different ways to help those children’s feel comfortable about their learning process.