The Brown vs. Board of education website, talks about how people of color had to fight back in the days for equal rights. Back then, there was racism all over the place, pretty much the same way as there is in today’s society. However, educational resources were denied to children’s, but parents were brave enough to stand up and fight for their children’s rights. They just wanted equal opportunities regardless of race, but injustices and discrimination dominated the society.
According to Tim Wise, racism still present and will never end if we don’t work together and try to ended. As he discussed, there still evidence of racism and discrimination. He talks about how a person of color can be as wise, intelligent, and capable to do certain jobs, as Barack Obama, but because they didn’t graduated from a prestigious university or have the ways to show their intelligence, there’s no way they will be taken seriously by others. Racism is one of the mayor ways, why people of color face challenges, some people thought
that because Barack Obama was elected president, racism would end but as Tim Wise said, “there is a lot of work to be done.”
He also gives examples of stereotype between people of color. According to a survey, in 2008, most people characterized black individuals as just wanting to live from welfare. “Between Barack and the hard place” is related to “The Brown vs. Board of education” because both of them stressed the importance of equal opportunity and the consequences of racism.
In class, I would like to get to talk more about this issue, because racism is something that’s around us, every single day of our lives. I found this video that shows how people of color were treated back then and everything they went through.
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